Kältetechnik RAUSCHENBACH GmbH - damit Sie immer cool bleiben
zurück Kühlmöbel   
Käse Wein Wurst

Käse Wein Wurst
Kühlschrank für Pelzmäntel
Mobile Outdoorbar

Mobile Wein bar
Weinbilderrahmen Quadro Vino 
Weinschrank  Caso
Weinklimaschrank Chambrair
 Weinvitrine Corniche
 Weinklimaschrank Diwa
 Weinklimaschrank Dometic
 Weinklimaschrank Dunavox
 Weinklima Friax
Weinkühlung  Edesa mosaico-vinotecas-advance
WeinVitrine  Enogalax enogalax_2400
 Weinkühlung Esta Derby
 Weinvitrine Everlasting
 Weinvitrine  Wandeinbau Expo Wine expowandeinbau
schraenke Expo Wine
 Weinkühlung Wine Guardian
 Weinkühlung Haier
WeinVitrine  I.Am
 Weinzelle jmf Cavispace
 Weinkühlung Kbs
 Weinkühlung Kibernetik  
Weinkühlschrank La Sommeliere 
Weinkühlschränke Liebherr
Weinkühlung Marecos
Weinkühlvitrinen Nordcap REFRIGERATED DISPLAY UNIT FOR RED & WHITE WINE - Wine Display Line
Weinkühlschränke Nordcap
Weinkühlschränke Pevino https://www.rauschenbach.de/weinp.htm
Weinkühlvitrine Scaiola
Weinkühlvitrine SWISSCAVE swisscave_2_temperaturen
Weinkühlvitrinen Tecfrigo
Imperial + Enotec 
Weinkühlschrank Vestfrost   
Weinkühlvitrinen Virtus bfe_inselmodell
Weinkühlschrank Wood   
Weindispenser Caveduke   
Winefit + Wineemotion
 Weinschrank Bacchus weinbuffet
Weinkühlzelle  viess.gif (49565 Byte) 
Wein Präsentationsvitrine    
Weinraum  Wineroom WINE ROOM
Wein Wand  vinopaerete 
 Weinkonservierung Duravin
2 Zonen - Weinkühlschrank   
 Weinkühlschrank mit Led Lichtleiste  
Liebherr Weinkühlschrank mit Led Lichtleiste Liebherr Weinkühlschrank mit wechselder Led Farbe

 dreizehn°  @13grad

13 Grad ist der digitale Marktplatz für Weinfreunde , Winzer und Händler.











Weinkühl Liebherr

Weinkühl 2 Zonen

Weinkühl Bosch

Weinkühlschrank test






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Das 1995 gegründete französische Unternehmen La Sommelière zählt zu den bedeutenden Anbietern von Weinschränken auf dem europäischen Markt. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren verzeichnen wir ein konstantes Wachstum und stellen unsere Kompetenz jeden Tag in Ihren Dienst mit leistungsstarken Weinschränken und innovativen Lösungen zur Aufbewahrung und Reifung von Wein.


Weinklimaschränke La Sommeliere Preise auf Anfrage   Glazed door, multi-temperature or multi-zone, ventilated, winter & compressor security, alarm    

La Sommeliere 80  La Sommeliere 35 La Sommeliere 40
mit R600a

595 x 710 x 1000 mm

mit R600a

595 x 710 x 1700 mm

mit R600a

595 x 710 x 1840 mm

  Zweizonen-Weintemperierschrank ECS80.2Z
Weinklimaschrank ECS80.2Z ermöglicht das Temperieren von maximal 75 Flaschen*. Das Zweizonen-Gerät hat zwei getrennte Fächer, die unabhängig voneinander eingestellt werden. Sie können damit die Temperaturbereiche wie folgt anpassen:
Obere Zone (33 Flaschen): von 5° bis 20°C;
Untere Zone (42 Flaschen): von 5° bis 20°C.
Der Weinservierschrank ECS80.2Z hat die Energieeffizienzklasse B und verbraucht nur wenig Strom.
Weitere Vorteile des Weinschranks ECS80.2Z
In Schwarz und Edelstahl gehalten. Die Glastür mit UV-Schutz, der schwarze Rahmen und der große Griff aus Edelstahl verleihen dem Weinschrank ECS80.2Z eine ansprechende Optik.
Die 7 halb ausziehbaren Ablageroste aus Buchenholz machen die Flaschen leicht erreichbar.
Ein elektronisches Thermostat mit digitaler Temperaturanzeige;
Eine ausgezeichnete Kälteverteilung;
Regulierbare Luftfeuchtigkeit von 60 bis 80%;
Ein Schloss, um Ihre Weine sicher zu verwahren.
mit R600a

595 x 710 x 1000 mm

ECS80.2Z  Preis auf Anfrage ca 1100 € Zweizonen-Weinservierschrank ECS80.2Z zum Temperieren von 75 Flaschen. Jedes Fach wird unabhängig vom anderen eingestellt.

VIP195 Grey or Black 6 Temperatures Compressor 195 Bottles - 4 oak wood shelves  + 1 sliding + 1 presentation, filter, forced air, winter security, lock 59.5 59.5 185 88 62.5 67 192 89 60 60 S/S R600
VIP180 6 Temperatures Compressor 195 Bottles - 6 oak wood shelves, filter, ventilated, winter security, lock 59.5 59.5 185 87 62.5 67 192 88 60 60 S/S R600
VIP150 5 Temperatures Compressor 160 Bottles - 4 oak wood shelves, filter, ventilated, winter security, lock 59.5 59.5 155 75 62.5 67 162 76 60 60 S/S R600
TR3V180 3 Zones Compressor 198 Bottles - 12 sliding beech wood shelves, built-in, ventilated, winter security, lock 59.5 68 176 106 65 75 182 121 51 54 B/SS R600
TR2V150 2 Zones Compressor 211 Bottles - 2 doors, 6 sliding beech wood shelves, built-in, ventilated, winter security, lock 59.5 68 176 112 65 75 182 120 51 54 B/SS R600
TR2V120 2 Zones Compressor 150 Bottles - 10 half-sliding beech wood shelves, built-in, ventilated, winter security, lock 59.5 67.5 139.5 82 65 75 144.5 90 51 54 B/SS R600
CVDE46 2 Zones Compressor 45 Bottles - 5 half-sliding beech wood shelves, built-in, ventilated, winter security 59.5 57.2 83/89 49.5 65.5 66.5 87 51 102 162 B/SS R600

Weinklimaschränke La Sommeliere  Preise auf Anfrage

  SERVICE CELLARS - Glazed door, internal light                        
CVD131V 1 Zone Compressor 120 Bottles - 5 beech wood shelves, UV-proof glass 58 59 148 55 66 70 160 62 57 97/54 B/S R600
CVD121V 1 Zone Compressor 120 Bottles - 6 wire shelves, UV-proof glass 58 59 148 55 66 70 160 62 57 97/54 B/S R600
LS48B 1 Zone Compressor 48 Bottles - 4 beech wood shelves 53.5 54 83 36 58 59 85.5 38 176 238 B/SS R600
LS33B 1 Zone Compressor 33 Bottles - 6 wire shelves 48 49 84 27 51 52 87 30 200 276 B/SS R600
LS20B 1 Zone Compressor 20 Bottles - 4 wire shelves 43 48 64 22 46 54 66 24 220 459 B/SS R600
LS28 1 Zone Hybrid 28 Bottles - 6 wire shelves, Soft-touch keys on the glass 43 52 74 25 47.5 56.5 78 28 184 336 B/SS R134
LS16 1 Zone Hybrid 16 Bottles - 4 wire shelves, Soft-touch keys on the glass 43 48.5 51.5 14 46 51.5 53.5 16 250 548 B/SS R134
  VINOSPHERE SERVICE CELLARS - Glazed door, internal light                        

Weinklimaschränke La Sommeliere  Preise auf Anfrage

  VINOSPHERE SERVICE CELLARS - Glazed door, internal light                        
VN120 1 Zone Compressor 120 Bottles - 4 beech wood shelves 58 61.5 147 55 65 68.5 157.5 65 60 97 B/S R600
VN18T2 2 Zones Thermo-Electric 24 Bottles - 5 wire shelves, Peltier technology 35 51 72 18 40 56 75 20   423 B/S *
VN28C 1 Zone Thermo-Electric 28 Bottles - 6 wire shelves, Peltier technology 43 52 74 25 47.5 56.5 78 28 176 333 B/S *
VN18C 1 Zone Thermo-Electric 18 Bottles - 5 wire shelves, Peltier technology 34.5 49 66 16 38.5 52.5 69 18 240 509 B/S *
VN8 1 Zone Thermo-Electric 8 Bottles - 3 wire shelves, Peltier technology 26 50.5 47.5 10 30.5 55.5 49 12 483 823 B/S *
VN6B 1 Zone Thermo-Electric 6 Bottles - 2 wire shelves, Peltier technology 28 49.5 40.5 8 30.5 54.5 44 9.5 768 990 B/S *

Weinklimaschränke La Sommeliere Preise auf Anfrage

  TRADITION AGEING CELLARS - wooden finishing, filter, ventilated, T° & hygro control, winter & compressor security, alarm                        
CTPE248 ECO Cl. A 1 Zone Compressor 248 Bottles - Solid door, 4 beech wood shelves, lock 59.2 67.5 182 90 63 74 196 100 54 75/48 W/B&W R600
CTPE204 ECO Cl. A 1 Zone Compressor 205 Bottles - Solid door, 3 beech wood shelves, lock 59.2 67.5 162.5 83 63 74 176 92 54 76/48 W/B&W R600
CTPE180 ECO Cl. A+ 1 Zone Compressor 180 Bottles - Solid door, 5 oak wood shelves, 1 thermometer TH01 59.5 59.5 185 60 63 65 190 61 60 80 Br R600
CTPE150 ECO Cl. A+ 1 Zone Compressor 150 Bottles - Solid door, 4 oak wood shelves, 1 thermometer TH01 59.5 59.5 155 54 63 65 165 55 60 80 Br R600
CTP300 1 Zone Compressor 300 Bottles - Solid door, 5 beech wood shelves, lock 75 67.5 172 90 78 74 178 105 54 66 W/B&W R600
CTP250 1 Zone Compressor 248 Bottles - Solid door, 6 beech wood shelves, lock 59.2 67.5 182 90 63 74 196 100 54 75/48 W/B&W R600
CTV2402Z 2 Zones Compressor 240 Bottles - Glazed door UV-proof, 6 beech wood shelves 59.2 67.5 182 90 63 74 196 100 54 75/48 W/B R134
CTV250 1 Zone Compressor 248 Bottles - Glazed door UV-proof, 3 sliding + 3 beech wood shelves 59.2 67.5 182 90 63 74 196 100 54 75/48 W/B R600
CTP205 1 Zone Compressor 205 Bottles - Solid door, 5 beech wood shelves, lock 59.2 67.5 162.5 83 63 74 176 92 54 76/48 W/B&W R600
CTV205 1 Zone Compressor 205 Bottles - Glazed door UV-proof, 4 beech wood shelves 59.2 67.5 162.5 83 63 74 176 92 54 76/48 W/B R600
CTP175 1 Zone Compressor 205 Bottles - Solid door, 4 beech wood shelves, lock 59.2 67.5 142.5 76 63 74 156 84 54 79/48 W/B&W R600
CTV175 1 Zone Compressor 175 Bottles - Glazed door UV-proof, 3 beech wood shelves 59.2 67.5 142.5 76 63 74 156 84 54 79/48 W/B R600
CTP140 1 Zone Compressor 140 Bottles - Solid door, 3 beech wood shelves, lock 59.2 67.5 123 67 63 74 133 75 108 113/96 W/B&W R600
CTV140 1 Zone Compressor 140 Bottles - Glazed door UV-proof, 4 beech wood shelves 59.2 67.5 123 67 63 74 133 75 108 113/96 W/B R600
CTV80 1 Zone Compressor 83 Bottles - Glazed door UV-proof, 3 beech wood shelves 59.2 67.5 83 47 63 74 89 52 102 170 W/B R600
CTV602Z 2 Zones Compressor 61 Bottles - Glazed door UV-proof, 1 + 1 sliding beech wood shelves 59.2 67.5 83 47 63 74 89 52 102 170 W/B R600

Weinklimaschränke La Sommeliere Preise auf Anfrage

COMMERCIAL WINE CELLARS                          
D372WICST 1 Zone Compressor 116 Bottles - 3 wooden + 2 presentation wire shelves, lock, mechanical thermostat 59.5 60.5 185.5 67 61 67 196 72 60 57 B/B R134
TRV250 1 Zone Compressor 248 Bottles - Glazed door UV-proof, 2 presentation + 4 beech wood shelves 59.2 67.5 182 90 63 74 196 100 54 75/48 W/B R134
TRV140 1 Zone Compressor 140 Bottles - Glazed door UV-proof, 1 presentation + 2 beech wood shelves 59.2 67.5 123 67 63 74 133 75 108 113/96 W/B R134
TRV83 1 Zone Compressor 83 Bottles - Glazed door UV-proof, 3 beech wood shelves 59.2 67.5 83 47 63 74 89 52 102 170 W/B R134
AROUND THE WINE PRODUCTS                          
CAF50N Cheese Cellar - 2 zones, 1 + 2 half oak wood trays on sliding shelves, 2 filters, T° & hygro control, alarm, winter security 59.2 67.5 83 47 63 74 89 52 102 170 W/B R600
FRESHBAG Wine Dispenser for Bag-in-Box - Patented BiBs' cooling system, thermo-electric, available in Red, Pink & Silver 21 21 38 5 29 25 39 7 1128   R/P/S *
CV1T Wine by the glass - Conservation under Nitrogen & service, 6 cartridges included 45 24 3.5 4.5 51.5 12.5 5.5 5 > 2000   B&SS R134
FRESHWINE2 Conservation and cooling for 1 bottle, thermo-electric system 17.5 26.5 30.5 2.5 22 34.5 32   > 1500 3300 B&S  
COMMERCIAL WINE PRODUCTS                          
CV4F Wine by the glass - Cooling, conservation under Nitrogen and service, 4 bottles 37 35 59 20 44 41 61 22     SS/B&G R134
BV310V Wine Dispenser for Bag-in-Box - 3 Bibs of 10L, stainless steel, ventilated, Vitop connectors included 36.5 65 124 45 67 45.5 126 55 108   SS R134
VVF Wine Dispenser for Bag-in-Box - Cooler for Bibs of 3, 5 or 10L + extra space for cooling other waiting BiBs, slate fascia 52 62 66 10 57.5 66 69 20 160   B&SS R134
CV6T Bottles Cooler - 6 bottles, 6 caps, electronic thermostat down to 5° 10.5 19 26 13 11 25 32 14.5 480 270 B&SS R134
CLAVIP01 Oak Wood Shelf for Contempro 180 & 150 52.5 44 * * 52.5 44 * * > 2000 * *
CLAVIP02 Oak Wood Presentation Shelf for Contempro 180 & 150 45 23 * * 45 23 * * > 1000 * *
CLAVIP03 Oak Wood Sliding Shelf for Contempro 180 & 150 52.5 44 * * 52.5 44 * * > 2000 * *
CLTRIX Beech Wood Shelf for TR2V150 & TR3V180 49.5 53.5 * * 49.5 53.5 * * * *
CLAPRE01 Beech Wood Presentation Shelf for TR2V150 & TR3V180 49.5 53.5 11 * 49.5 53.5 11 * > 1000 * *
CLAPRE02 Beech Wood Presentation Shelf for TRP300 64 52 18 * 64 52 18 * * *
CLAPRE03 Beech Wood Presentation Shelf for all Tradition cellars except TRP300 48 52 18 * 48 52 18 * * *
CLATRAD05 Beech Wood Multi-Format Shelf for TRP300 64 52 * * 64 52 * * > 2000 * *
CLATRAD06 Beech Wood Multi-Format Shelf for all Tradition cellars except TRP300 for all Tradition cellars except TRP300 48 52 * * 48 52 * * * *
CLATRAD07 Beech Wood Sliding Shelf for all Tradition cellars except TRP300 48 52 * * 48 52 * * * *
RET1 Label Holder for Contempro 180 & 150 * * * * * * * * * *
RET2 Label Holder for all Tradition cellars * * * * * * * * * *
FCA01 Charcoal Filter for Contempro 180 & 150 * * * * * * * * * *
FCA03 Charcoal Filter for all Tradition cellars * * * * * * * * * *
TH01 Thermometer for Contempro 180 & 150 * * * * * * * * * *
THYG01 Thermo & Hygrometer for Contempro 180 & 150 * * * * * * * * * *
CA02 Nitrogen Cartridges for CV1T - 10 units pack * * * * * * * * * *
LGC Wine Cellar Organizor Software - English & French languages * * * * * * * * * *

Weinklimaschränke La Sommeliere

§Maximum capacity * : 38 bottles
§ 2 autonomous temperature zones 3°C to 22°C
§ Winter security (lower compartment)
§ Full glass door UV-protected
§ Stainless steel door edging
§ Large stainless steel ergonomic handle
§ Door support § Integrated low profile metal door hinge
§ Lock § 7 natural Beech wood shelves (chemical-free)
§ Smooth-roll black metal shelf rails § Upper compartment:
§ Maximum capacity * : 18 bottles
§ Adjustable temperature 3°C to 22°C
§ Lower compartment:
§ Maximum capacity * : 20 bottles
§ Adjustable temperature 3°C to 22°C
§ Electronic thermostats and dual digital temperature displays
§ Regulated humidity over  60%
§ Granular internal walls for a homogeneous humidity
§ Forced air in both zones § Anti-vibration systems
§ Internal white LED light source in each zone § Removable logo
§ Energy consumption : 0.33 kwh/24h or 121 kwh/year
§ Climatic class  : SN-ST (5°-38°C) § Gas : R600A
§ Gencod : 3541361210297
§§ Product (mm): W395 x D630 x H1020
§ Packing (mm) : W455 x D690 x H1105
§ Gross / net weight (kg) : 44 / 41
Weinklimaschrank La Sommeliere  ECS40.2Z  
§Capacity: 240 bottles
§ Product (mm): W592 x D675 x H1820
§ Carton (mm) : W630 x D740 x H1960
§ Net / gross weight (kg) : 83 / 104
§ Temperature  range: 5°C – 20°C in each area
§ Energy consumption: 1.1 kwh/24h or 386 kwh/y
§ Energy class: E
§ Climatic category : SN (5°-32°C)
§ Sound level: 41 db
§ Gas : R600A

§Anti-vibrations system
§ Winter position for non-heated rooms
§ Lock
§ Switch-on/off button and power indicator
§ Visual / acoustic alarms for  temperature, circuit, hygrometry and door opening
§ Countdown for filter life control
§ Visual alarm for charcoal filter changing
§ Hygrometry control
Weinklimaschrank La Sommeliere  ECT245.2Z  
Weinkühlzellenregal Weinkühlzellenregale Weinkisten und weinregale


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19.01.25 Copyright   Kaeltetechnik Rauschenbach GmbH  Phone +49 2261 94410  Impressum  Datenschutz   Angebote nur an Geschaeftskunden